Friday, December 24, 2010

a cHange of heart

A change of heart…that was what God has done to me after the storm…I found a new family…new friends…and new vision for my ministry…October 2008…we both started from scratch…attending pre-encounter lessons…everything was new…I met my discipler nanay mimi gaum…she was there for me through out the process of healing…I joined the encounter…November 14-16, 2008…it was a three-day event…it was like a retreat with a different approach that totally blew me away…it was like totally getting out from the masks of pretentions and removing the chains of inhibitions…it was just totally surrendering yourself…your life to God…I understood more of what is my purpose of being here on earth…the reason of my existence…all the things I felt for the past eighteen years of my life…rejection…insecurities…hatred…pain…uncertainties…being judged…all of it was like a thorn picked out from my heart…and my heart was starting to be healed…I felt freedom…
I came out as a person who was now sure of her identity in Christ…that even if I am rejected by the world there is always one person who accepts me even in my flaws…who would be there for me always…it was not easy though to be in the process…persecutions are there…rejections from relatives...but one thing that gives me the urge to never give up on my new found faith is the Love He, Jesus Christ has for me…servant of Him(serving Him) is one Job description that I am not going to be ashamed of…but it is a privilege to be chosen by Him…one favorite verse from the Bible…that reminds me of my servant hood…is 2 Samuel says “I will not offer anything that will cost me nothing”…serving the Lord means dying to oneself…it will cost you…even your whole life…
Right now I finished the PEPSOL process…but I am still in the process of the real process…character formation…I am like a clay…being molded into the person that God wants me to be…right now…building my twelve…it may not be in an instant…little by little…it may be in a process…but one things for sure…I’m getting there…I will not stop…I will not surrender…I will soar more higher…because i.DARE… 

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